Handbag, purse, tote, whatever you call this must have accessory is for many (like me) a necessity. Handbags can transform and liven up any outfit. Running errands or have plans to hit the gym later, so you opt to dress down in workout gear for the day? Grab a structured tote or satchel and you will instantly feel a bit more “uptown”.
I love a great bag! I like to carry and collect bags, a range of colors and styles is important! For me a collection of handbags is slightly more awesome than a great shoe collection! And I have a pretty decent shoe collection ;-)!
Handbags are so versatile they can be tiny or extra-large, they are available in just about any material or fabric we can think of and let’s not forget colors! And lets not forget– they are functional, they carry all of our important and sometimes not so important STUFF!
The Chickwares team has decided to celebrate this day by sharing our bag “du jour” over on Instagram as well as some images of our favorite bags here on the blog!
Bags we love (just a few)! It’s National Handbag Day!
Cheers to a day celebrating our love of handbags! Happy National Handbag Day! Thank you for reading and sharing our blog! Follow us here and on Instagram!
XoXo, Chickwares